Sunday, July 31, 2011

Scripture Sunday

This Sunday I encourage you to look to our Blessed Mother for inspiration, strength, and as an example of how to be obedient to our good and loving God. Our Blessed Mother knew how to say yes to God. She knew how to trust and respond to the path God wanted her to take, as she simple and powerfully said, Let it Be.
Let it Be, my child. Learn how to say Yes to God when HE is asking you to do something or when HE is asking you to stop doing something.
God’s will for your life…Let it Be.
Honor your heaven family through love and service.

Jeremiah 17:7
“But blessed are those who trust in the Lord and have made the Lord their hope and confidence”

Saturday, July 30, 2011


Can you believe I was in love? It’s true. Years ago, I was in love with this amazing man. I was not in delusional love; where you think you are in love until it goes south and you come to terms with the fact that you were infatuated, but not in love. I was really in love. We thought we were going to get married. We were happy. Our families thought we would have our fairly tale happily ever after moment too.
Was he my prince? Did we get married?  No and no. Did I turn into a pumpkin at midnight? No. So what happened??? God clearly had other plans for that amazing man, and myself.
One night…okay…it was two nights…after a few years of being apart, something interesting happened. I had these (two separate) opportunities to be ‘somewhat’ in the presence of him and his family. Reunited, and it feels so good? That’s clearly a no. On those two occasions, I had this strong feeling in my gut that I just didn’t belong there anymore. It was a sense deep in my gut that leaped to my heart that then leaped to my mind, that our time together was clearly over. I did not fit in with what used to seem so familiar.  
I almost forgot about that gut feeling until the other day. There is this cute little salon that I have gone to for years. One by one the ladies have been leaving. My last appointment really was just that: my last. Why? Because God is clearly trying to move me forward. I got the shampoo pulled right out from under me as the next lady explained how she was leaving too. When I was there, it was clear to me that I didn’t belong there anymore. The flash back to my great love resurfaced. What seemed so comfortable and reliable was no longer, and my gut was telling me all along.
When staple events change in your life, it can be a real core shaker. That is why it is so important to know who you are in our Lord. Everything is subject to change except God. God is always good and always reliable. My situations may have changed, but God was with me through each event. God was even stirring up my tummy letting me know that HE wanted me to go in a new direction. I may not understand the new direction, but that’s okay, because God does…clearly!

Friday, July 29, 2011


God has spoken to my heart. HE reminds me that delays are not denials. When I wait…I get frustrated. When I wait…I tend to think things aren’t meant to be. But, I have to wait. A delay in my answered prayers does not mean God is not working; quite the contrary, because God is working. God is working every day. I like to think of delay as timing and protection. God knows how things and when things should flow, and I definitely want HIS grace over all of my situations. God is love and HE only wants the best for us…and that HE will not deny.

Thursday, July 28, 2011


"Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them; but do not let them master you.
Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight."
~ Helen Keller

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Closet Pain

"Victory is won not in miles but in inches. Win a little now, hold your ground, and later, win a little more."
~ Louis L'Amour

This reminds me of 2 Corinthians 3:18 when it says, “But we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord.”
The goal is to try your best. If you are making a solid effort to work on yourself, to come up higher, to be open for improvement, then I believe God is smiling on you. God wants us to come up higher. God wants to see us through our situations because HE knows promotion is on the other side. When you go through your situation, you are being changed. The change occurs one step at a time, inch by inch, victory by victory, glory by glory.
Think of a chore that can seem overwhelming; For example, cleaning out your closet and getting it organized. For some of us, this closet chore can seem like a real pain. But if you tackle it one section at a time, maybe spilt it up into a couple of days, shop for fun organizing gadgets, then before you know it, the chore is complete and you feel so accomplished and happy that it got done…like a weight is off your shoulders. The same principals apply in life. If you tackle your situation section by section, spread it out over some time, and sprinkle spiritual wisdom over it, then the situation is conquered…and the weight is off your shoulders.   
Your closet pain will become weight off your shoulders, so I encourage you to keep stretching yourself, keep allowing God to mold you…step by step, inch by inch, glory by glory.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Inner Answers

There are times when we really want to know WHAT to do. We question situations. Our decision making skills get sharpened by gathering the opinions of others, and setting up ‘what would you do’ scenarios. If you have a heavy question on your mind, it is my strong belief that you already have the answer; take time to get really silent and wait for the inner prompting. Your heart speaks to you all the time. The vision has been there all along.  

"Your vision will become clear only
when you look into your heart.
Who looks outside, dreams.
Who looks inside, awakens."
~ Carl Jung

Monday, July 25, 2011

Ahoy Matey!

      "A ship in port is safe,
but that's not what ships are built for."
Grace Murray Hopper

Sailing through life can be like sailing on an ocean.
If you have had the pleasure of viewing an ocean, then you know how magical the waters can be. The ocean is so deep and wide; it’s powerful and calming all at the same time. Staying in the port does not give you the freedom, adventures, and discoveries that create the fulfilling memories that shape your life. In other words, step out into the unknown. God will direct your steps and keep you safe; after all, HE created that ocean…HE knows which currents and wakes you need to avoid, and which way to point your ship.
Let the anchor go, feel the wind in your face, let out a     YO HO, and trust that you’ll reach your next destination.   

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Scripture Sunday

“We can be confident that he will listen to us whenever we ask him for anything in line with his will. And if we know he is listening when we make our requests, we can be sure that he will give us what we ask for.”
1 John 5:14-15

“I love the Lord because he hears and answers my prayers. Because he bends down and listens, I will pray as long as I have breath!”
Psalm 116:1-2

Trust me when I tell you…God answers prayers. Never give up on prayer! It may take time to receive an answer, but if you pray, then thank God that HE is working. And trust me when I tell you, God is working!
Enjoy your Sunday!

Saturday, July 23, 2011

The Coming of Indulgence

God wants us to live a rich life; which is why God is always adding to our lives. When there is a subtraction from your life, that simple means God is moving you away from what was, and into something that will be.  As Confucius says, "Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it."

Don’t fight subtraction;
instead, anticipate the coming of multiplication.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Forward Friday

“A laugh is a smile that bursts.”  ~Mary H. Waldrip.
Nothing is sweeter than a good laugh! The famous saying is…laughter is the best medicine. So this Forward Friday, I ask that you forward a good chuckle with someone today.
“Laughter is the shortest distance between two people.”  ~Victor Borge
Watch a funny movie with a friend. Tell a (clean) joke. Share funny photos that make you laugh. Get creative with the chuckles, but most importantly, share the lighter side with someone today!
“A merry heart does good, like medicine, but a broken spirit dries the bones.” ~ Proverbs 17:22
“The most wasted of all days is one without laughter.”  ~e.e. cummings
Go on and LOL!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Mantra Thursday

Thursday’s Mantra:
God handpicked me and loves me just as I am.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Mantra Wednesday

Wednesday’s Mantra:
I’m at peace in every situation. Peace flows with me.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Monday, July 18, 2011

Mantra Monday

Every day this week, I will present a mantra for the day. This mantra is what I hope for you to focus on all day. Repeat the mantra in various ways today, so it may become rooted in not only your mind, but in your heart.

Monday’s Mantra:
I make peace with my past.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Scripture Sunday

"And the Lord said, My Presence shall go with you,
and I will give you rest."
~Exodus 33:14

What does it mean to rest? When I reflect over my life, rest means to relax about the details of my life. Who will worry about my life’s details? God. As much as I would like to have all the answers to why when and how, I must rest in God’s presence.
Rest our minds. Rest our worries. Rest in God’s presence. As we move forward, remember that HIS presence is with us, and we can rest in HIM knowing that everything is going to be alright.
Happy Sunday!

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Quote and Thought

"Everything you are against weakens you. Everything you are for empowers you."
– Dr. Wayne Dyer

This is a reminder to stay positive. Focus on what you do want, not on what you don’t want or what should have been. Move forward.
Focus on what is possible, and remember with God, ALL things are possible. Let peace, joy, calmness, and God’s words flow in your heart and empower you.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Forward Friday

Body language has powerful subconscious effects. Today, be open and welcoming to people you interact with. Don’t just be friendly with words, but let your body language show that you are friendly, and you welcome people to engage with you.
This Friday we will forward an open welcoming spirit:
Make eye contact with people. We will smile at everyone we see. We will not fold or cross our arms when speaking to someone.

Happy Forwarding…

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Carry Through

I heard a question that I found to be very profound. I heard someone state this, but I will dig a little deeper, share my reflection, and paraphrase.

We go through tough times. Everyone goes through something. Yesterday, I posted a quote that I really enjoyed. If you happened to miss that quote, and don’t want to lose your reading spot by scrolling down to view it….here it is again:
 “Don't compare your life with that of others! You don't know what their journey is all about. Focus on you!”
~ Denise Austin
Don’t compare is simple instructions, but can be hard to carry through.  We don’t know others journeys, and it would be silly to compare your journey to someone else.
Why is it silly?
Everyone is on a journey. We are human; that simply means that we are all flawed. We all make mistakes. We all have times of struggle and disappointments. We could all get together and share rejection stories. We all have a cross to carry.
You may view someone as having it all, but understand that God is a good God. God will bless you too. You don’t know the trials or crosses that person had to endure before God promoted them. Someone could look at you in there period of wait and want what you have; not even realizing you had your own wait period.
Focus on your life, and what God wants to do with you. Lean on God. Trust God. Again, this is simple instructions, but sometimes hard to carry through. I encourage you to carry through, because God is always faithful.
The next time you get in comparing mode, or you get worried and upset…
Ask yourself this to help carry you through:

Am I going to let God see me discouraged?
Am I going to let God see me trusting?

Wednesday, July 13, 2011


“Don't compare your life with that of others! You don't know what their journey is all about. Focus on you!

~ Denise Austin

Tuesday, July 12, 2011


Believe Believe Believe
Believe Believe Believe Believe
Believe Believe  Believe Believe Believe Believe bELIEVE Believe
BELIEVE BELIEVE Believe Believe Believe Believe Believe Believe Believe Believe

bELIEVE BELIEVE believe Believe Believe Believe
Believe Believe Believe Believe

BELIEVE Believe Believe believe Believe Believe Believe Believe Believe Believe

Believe Believe Believe Believe Believe Believe Believe Believe Believe Believe Believe Believe Believe Believe Believe Believe Believe Believe
Believe bELIEVE Believe Believe Believe bELIEVE Believe

Believe!!!   Believe!!!

Believe Believe  Believe Believe  Believe  Believe
Believe   Believe

Believe      Believe   Believe   Believe
Believe   Believe

Monday, July 11, 2011

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Scripture Sunday

"May the God of your hope so fill you with all joy and peace in believing [through the experience of your faith] that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound and be overflowing (bubbling over) with hope."

~Romans 15:13

Believing + Faith = Hope

Hope = All Things Possible with God

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Did You?

Did you like the Forward Friday experience?
Did you complete the task? How was it?

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Forward Friday

I’m starting the hottest trend….Forward Friday’s

Forward Friday works like this:
Friday’s will be the day when you receive a challenge. The challenge will be in the form of a pay it forward good deed. You have the choice to accept the mission and complete it.
We can focus so much on our own needs and wants that it’s helpful to forget about ourselves and actually help someone else.
So, on this first Forward Friday operation I want you to do the following…
Forward Cheer:
Find someone today that you can truly truly-genuiely genuinely compliment. Don’t compliment just anybody on anything, but find someone that you can speak favor and good news over because they are in the moment of truly receiving that compliment.
Happy Forwarding…

***Note: This Post is going out a little early…just so my readers have a full Friday for the challenge

Wednesday, July 6, 2011


Never question God’s love for you. God is love. God created you therefore you are formed from love.
When you pray, never question if God is hearing you. God is here with you, and HE is concerned about every area of your life.
Never question if your prayers are going to get answered. God works everything together for our good on HIS timetable…God is not instant oatmeal, so wait for HIS timing. I was praying to God for years over something that is very personal. I prayed and prayed. I had people close to me pray. My prayer was so constant, so rhythmic…I probably sounded like a robot to God. I can proudly say, my prayer was answered. I sincerely thank God for my breakthrough; this experience has drawn me closer to God, and it brought revolution that HE answers prayers, that HE does care, that HE does see you through. Never give up, because HE never gives up on you.
Never question God’s timing. As I stated early, wait for HIS timing. Waiting can be overwhelming, I understand. When you’re questioning, you may not be trusting. Waiting could be the best thing for you. We only see glimpses of our life, but God view’s the whole picture. God knows how and when everything is going to come together, so don’t question what HE is doing and when HE is doing it.
Never question your worth, your prayers, God’s presence, or timing.
Turn your questions into hope, and never ever give up!
Any questions???

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

What Do You Believe?

“Believe that your life is worth living, and your belief will help create that fact.”
~ William James

Your life is worth living. You are designed with purpose. God has great things in store for you; believe in that. Believe that today is a new day, and that God is breathing in your direction.
Hold your beautiful face high.
Trust. Love. Believe.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Quote & thought

"Happiness is when
what you think, what you say,
and what you do are in harmony."
~ Mahatma Gandhi

Thoughts have power. Words have power.
We are energy. Everything has a vibration to it. The words that we speak, the thoughts that we entertain, all have an ability to heal, to hurt, or to remain stuck. Align your words and thoughts with what the Bible says…
Philippians 4:8 “whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable--if anything is excellent or praiseworthy--think about such things.”
Synchronize your words and thoughts, because that will impact what you do.
It is my strong belief that if you align your thoughts and words in accordance to the previous scripture, then you will find yourself living a more peaceful, harmonized life.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Scripture Sunday

Thought this was the perfect Sunday Scripture for you to enjoy and meditate on…

"Those who wait for the Lord [who expect, look for, and hope in Him] shall change and renew their strength and power; they shall lift their wings and mount up [close to God] as eagles [mount up to the sun]; they shall run and not be weary,
they shall walk and not faint or become tired."
~Isaiah 40:31

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Keep on keepin’ on

Two words that I want you to remember:
Keep on!

Keep on praying. Prayer works. There are times when I have prayed and it feels like nothing is happening, but I keep on because I know that God is working (even if I don’t see it…it’s a test of faith).
Keep on asking. Ask God to give you the desires of your heart. Remind God of HIS promises. Remember, God is not a liar, so remind HIM of scriptures from the bible that line up with what you want.
Keep on Believing. Keep the faith, because you never know when your breakthrough will happen…and it will happen, if you keep believing.  
"It is wisdom to believe the heart."George Santayana
Keep on looking up. God is right here with you. Sometimes if feels like God is far away, but HE isn’t. God is always by your side. God always has a way that will bring everything together for your good. Draw your strength from HIM.
"I can do everything with the help of Christ who gives me the strength I need."
~Philippians 4:13

Keep on keepin on…it will only make you better!

Friday, July 1, 2011

Ego Spotter

Can you recognize an ego? Can you spot an ego on someone else? Can you spot your own ego?
We all have an ego. We like feeling valuable and important. We beam at the thought of getting recognized for something positive. There are so many ego making contributors: social status, professions/careers, material possessions, awards, promotions, bank account statements; ego makers are endless.
Where are you on the ego-meter?
We think an ego is big and cocky, right? The high and mighty opinion of self that spills flashy dialogue (of themselves) as they entertain anyone in ear shot; that’s considered an ego maniac.  But did you know that the ego is sneaky? It’s true! The ego loves to be fed…and it will get its nourishment even in small ways.
Let’s turn away from the over-sized ego that is easy to spot. Let’s turn our focus to the shy. Most people think that here is nothing wrong with being shy. Most people would rather be around a shy person than an obnoxious person. Note: Obnoxious is another form of ego.
Why is someone shy? Do they feel not worthy of contributing among peers? Do they get embarrassed easily? Do they lack social skills and feel safer being quiet? There are different assumptions to why someone is shy. However, I do know that being shy is not them, it’s their ego. A rose is a rose, so don’t be fooled.
Anytime you use an opportunity to hide from your true self is when you are feeding your ego. When you’re being flashy or when you’re being introverted, you’re displaying lack.
We are not to lack anything, because we are made whole in the images of our Lord. We are meant to be loved just as we are; there is nothing to prove, impress, or hide. We do not need to put on any mask of importance or meekness to be accepted. You are already accepted. You just have to be your true self.
This is your set free moment. Realize that you are to get your strength, love, worthiness from God. As nice as it is to have nice things (and God wants us to enjoy abundantly) it is not your source of wholeness…it is only healthy to obtain wholeness from God.
When you spot that ego, make sure you grab your spot remover…