Trust is an incredibly important element in your spiritual
life. The Lord has been dealing with me on trust. I trust the Lord, I’ve seen
the Lord deliver on promises, and I’ve been on the receiving side of HIS
goodness, so why would I need to be schooled on trust?
I can say that I trust and believe all day long, but does
that show trust? No. Why? Because actions speak louder than words. It’s not
enough to just say that I trust; I must also behave like I trust. And to be
fully open, I struggle with this. I struggle because my flesh wants to get
answers, and it gets anxious, and I start to worry, and I think about the
situation over and over and over again. My flesh needs to get a grip. All the
things my flesh wants to do, does not show any signs of trust…but my heart
really is in a trusting place.
So what do I do?
I need to become still. I need to ask the Lord to help me
get through the day; take one day at a time. When I catch my flesh acting out,
I must say out loud, “I’m trusting the Lord with this.” God does not need my
help; I can truly trust HIM.
Mary is a great teacher to me, because she shows me how to
deal with trust. The first miracle that Jesus ever performed was at a wedding.
The wedding needed more wine. Mother Mary went to her son and asked Him to
perform and supply the need for more wine. It is my opinion that Jesus had to be
a little nervous to perform HIS first miracle. In fact, Jesus even says to His
mother… “My hour has not yet come.”
We are talking about trust. We are talking about our
behavior and how we show trust. When we go to our heavenly family, we can trust
them to give us what is the best for us. We do not need to beg or figure things
out. Trust. Trust that the Lord hears you and is working, and then back off so
HE can continue to work. Leave your request with HIM and trust. And once again,
Mary shows us just how to do this:
When Mary asked HIM to fix the wine problem, HE hesitated;
feeling as if HIS time to perform a miracle has not come. Mary simply and
powerfully displayed trust by walking to the servants (waiters) and telling
them, do whatever Jesus tells you to do…and then she walked away.
Do you see how powerful her actions are? She asked. She
said, “Do whatever HE says.” And then
she walked away. It was done; she had enough belief and trust to place the
answer, whatever the answer was, in HIS hands…and she showed trust by walking
away. It doesn’t say she went and begged Jesus for the wine. It doesn’t say
that she went and worried about the wine. It doesn’t say that she got nervous
or got impatient. She knew how to leave the request in HIS hands, and she probably
went and enjoyed the rest of the celebration in peace…and how did she do this?
She trusted and she walked away.