Friday, November 30, 2012

Forward Friday

Happy Friday, Readers!
Hope everyone has a nice Friday that leads into an even nicer weekend! Today is Friday, so remember to forward an act of kindness today, because here at Renewed Corner, Friday is our...
Forward Friday!!!
Stay in Peace,

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Quote: “Solving Problems”

"How you think about a problem is more important than the problem itself - so always think positively."
"Believe it is possible to solve your problem. Tremendous things happen to the believer. So believe the answer will come. It will."
~Norman Vincent Peale

Monday, November 26, 2012


"Facing it — always facing it — that's the way to get through. Face it!"

~ Joseph Conrad
What do you need to face?

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Scripture Sunday: Healing

Jehovah-Rophe: The Lord Heals and Restores

“Christ heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.”

~ Psalm 147:3


“But I will restore you to health and heal your wounds, declares the LORD.”

~Jeremiah 30:17

Saturday, November 24, 2012


Hope everyone enjoyed Thanksgiving!
Here at Renewed Corner, I want to say thank you to all my Readers. Writing my blog has been a rewarding experience for me and that is thanks to my wonderful Readers!
To Left-overs and Pumpkin pies,

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Thank You

Manners are important. It would be nice to hear a few more please and thank you in our world today. We can get so caught up in our schedule, that we don’t take a moment to appreciate what is really going on in our lives. We can focus way too much on what is going wrong than what’s going right in our lives. It’s important to focus on the beauty in life. What you focus on grows.

It’s impossible to have a negative and a positive thought at the same time, so if you are in a negative slump, turn it around with some positive thoughts and praise. Yes, praise! Praise is a form of gratitude. It’s not to say that you ignore problems; no, problems are very real and if you are facing something challenging, then work on your challenge head on so you become an over comer. You are an over comer, and you will get there much faster if you focus on the positive and learn how to say thank you for the lesson learned in the challenge.

Can you list at least three things to be thankful for? Sure you can! In fact, you can pause reading this right now, and list three things you are thankful for…I’ll be here when you’re done.

Welcome back! Let’s proceed.

Recently, I was on a road trip. The road brought nervousness because I wanted to travel safely. I was nervous about the road conditions, the weather, arriving on time, and with the new daylight savings, I wanted to return home before it got dark. The first call of duty was to pray for a safe trip. The second call of duty was to continue to thank the Lord for helping me…and this was being done as I was behind the wheel. The hand of our Lord was felt that whole day. The trip was successful and I know who gets the credit too. I was very thankful for having the Lord guide me that day, and I let HIM know I was thankful by simply saying thank you.

Learn to appreciate all the things the Lord helps you with, even if it’s with a road trip. We all like to feel appreciated, and I ponder the fact that our Lord probably wants to feel appreciated too…HE does so much for us…so let’s give thanks!

If you are thankful for something, I would love for you to leave a comment in the comment box below. Share a gratitude moment with me…share your praise…you might inspire someone to think about gratitude…and that would be much appreciated, thank you!



Monday, November 19, 2012


"One day in retrospect the years of struggle will strike you as the most beautiful."

~ Sigmund Freud

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Scripture Sunday: Think On…

Philippians 4:8
8  Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirableif anything is excellent or praiseworthythink about such things.

Saturday, November 17, 2012


Thoughts are an essential part of living the kind of life you wish to live. Thoughts can build you up (↑) or they can tear you down (↓). Pay attention to your thoughts; do you have more down (↓) arrows than up (↑)?

It’s easy to get emotionally built up ↑ when everything is going your way and it’s just as easy to get emotionally down ↓ when you face obstacles or struggles. The key, is to not let your circumstances be the pendulum of your self worth.

With the slightest turn of the hand, the downward facing arrow ↓ can be turned facing back up ↑, but how do we do this?

First, it’s natural to experience emotions that make us feel down ↓. It’s probably a safe bet to say that even the most happiest and atomistic of people have a negative thought once in a blue moon (ONCE IN A BLUE MOON). The trick is to not allow yourself to get stuck in the emotion that makes you feel down ↓ or negative. How do you become unstuck, you ask? The answer is, by talking positively over yourself and the situation.

We all have an inner dialogue (if we realize it or not). It is important for anyone to start becoming aware of their dialogue, because it will show you how well you treat yourself, and it will show you the quality of life you’re living. Your thoughts create your believe system about yourself, and you will act and behave within a manner that reflects what you believe. This is why you should always speak kindly to yourself. This is why you should get into the word and learn the wonderful ways that the Lord speaks about you. Never be harsh or unforgiving with yourself, because our Lord is never harsh or unforgiving with you. The Lord is always trying to build you up ↑; don’t work against His good work.

Get ↑, stay ↑, and remind yourself of the big man ↑stairs who is always trying to build you ↑.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Bottoms Up!


1 Clear drinking cup

3-4 Scoops of dirt

Clean water


Take your clear cup or drinking glass and toss in your scoops of dirt. Then fill clear cup or drinking glass with clean water. View content of glass: Do NOT drink. What do you see? Is the glass cloudy? Does the water look appealing to drink? Would you serve this drink to friends or family? No!

Think of the cup as your mind. The dirt represents mean, harsh, worried, negative thoughts. The clean water represents kind, encouraging, uplifting, positive thoughts. Now, even though you only have a couple of dirt scoops (negative words) in the glass, it still causes the glass (your mind) to be unappealing and not serve worthy. Even a couple of negative thoughts in your mind are causing you to not serve at your best. It’s only natural to have moments of stress that bring on negative or worried mindsets, but follow the rest of the recipe.

Take your glass that still has the dirt scoops in it and keep pouring clean water in it. What do you notice? You’ll find that as you keeping pouring the clean water into the cup, the cup overflows and overflows until the dirt gets lifted to the rim of the cup and flows out. Keep running the clean water long enough and you’ll find there’s no longer any dirt in the cup; the cup is crystal clear and ready to serve!

That’s the recipe to a healthy mindset: Keep pouring positive words and thoughts into your mind until the negativity flows out. Keep pouring, and when you think you don’t need to pour anymore….keep pouring. This is not an overnight recipe, but the results are delicious!



Monday, November 12, 2012

Quote & Thought

"We either make ourselves miserable, or we make ourselves strong. The amount of work is the same."

~ Carlos Castaneda
It takes the same amount of effort, time, space, energy, and (as the quote says) work, to focus on things that are not going right with our lives as it does to focus on what is going right with our lives.
Focusing on the mistakes or the past or things that haven’t worked out, will un-doubt ably make you feel miserable. As the negative aspect is true, so is the positive; if you focus on God’s promises, what is going right, goals you see getting closer to fruition, will un-doubt ably make you feel strong.


Sunday, November 11, 2012

Scripture Sunday: Direction

Isaiah 30:21

21 Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, “This is the way; walk in it.” (NIV)

Friday, November 9, 2012

Forward Friday

Friday is our day here at Renewed Corner where we celebrate sharing, and we call it Forward Friday.

Let today be a day where you forward an act of kindness. It doesn’t matter if your kindness is big or small; all that matters is that your kindness is genuine.  

We all appreciate an act of kindness when we are on the receiving end, but it’s as important to give as it is to receive.

So move forward today with an act of kindness, because who you help might get inspired to forward kindness themselves…and wouldn’t that be a nice chain reaction?!?!

Happy Friday and Happy forwarding.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Heart of Man (Re-Post)

There is this man. A young man. He has walked the streets a thousand times, without anybody ever noticing him. He keeps his head down when he walks. He speaks when spoken to. He can’t bring himself to make eye contact through his thick bottle neck glasses he nervously adjusts, when you toast him. This young man is different and quirky. This man humbles me; he literally melts my heart. He makes my soul freeze in silence; I start to see our society and then I start to see our God.

I can sadly understand why people treat this man like he is invisible. He is not the pretty boy. He is not going to wow you with swagger. He is what our world describes as painfully shy and noticeably odd. He has probably gotten overlooked countless times in his life, simply because the jock-ess guy bullshitted their way pass him by using their angelic looks and charm (the only tools they know how to use because they lack any real depth or resourcefulness).

This man is so gentle and smart. If you engage in conversation with him, you’ll quickly learn how immensely bright and well educated he is; he completely surprises you.

I think we look past people too often in this world. I think we get caught up in the pretty instead of the real. Notice the soul in the corner. Notice the soul that wants to use their voice, but has a hard time finding somebody to listen.

Charm is great, and when used appropriately, it can be very effective. But remember, pretty fades, charm gets old, and shallowness gets ugly.

God has used this man in a very unique way. I’m sure all the people that once were shamelessly poking fun at him, misunderstanding him, or completely ignoring him are now dumb founded by his success.

Don’t pass through life not noticing the beauty hiding in unassuming disguises. God can use anybody…no matter what the package, background, experience, or circumstances look like.

Our society may see exterior, but our God sees the heart of man.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Quote & Thought

"Most people are so busy knocking themselves out trying to do everything they think they should do, they never get around to do what they want to do."

~ Kathleen Winsor
It isn’t uncommon for people to do things that they THINK they should be doing, because it’s what they feel society, family, friends, or colleagues pressure them to do. Remember to follow your heart and gut. Move forward with what you feel is right for you in the time and space that feels right. There are a lot of dream killers of the world; don’t let someone or something talk you out of doing what you want.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Scripture Sunday: Stay Encouraged

"Anxiety in a man’s heart weighs it down, but an encouraging word makes it glad. "

~Proverbs 12:25

Friday, November 2, 2012

In Due time

Dreams and goals can seem so close yet so far away. Have you ever wondered when your dream would turn into reality? Have you ever wondered why things take so long to manifest in your life? Like marriage, you wonder when your better half is going to show up as you rsvp your way into another wedding. Perhaps you want to have a child and everyone you know is having a baby…everyone except for you that is. That promotion you’ve been eyeing that promises a corner office with a greener paycheck goes to a complete slacker, and you wonder how you’ve been unfairly overlooked.

We tend to think that when it happens to someone else…that engagement, that pregnancy, that promotion…it’s unfair. Why unfair? Because we want it and we want it first. We don’t like the idea of having to wait. The truth is, we don’t really mind that someone got their desire fulfilled, we are upset that they got it before us.

There was a time not that long ago when I was praying and asking when it was going to be, ‘my turn?’ There was such a need to move forward in my life that I wanted things to happen now, instead of later. When I took my request to our Lord, I remember looking in the bible and seeing scripture about, in due time. Intellectually, I knew the in due time scripture was the Lord speaking over my situation. But, what does in due time mean? Due time means, when the time is right. Do I know when the time will be right? No. Just because I don’t know when something is going to happen doesn’t mean that it’s not going to happen; I just have to place my trust and faith in the fact that it will happen when it is truly meant to happen.

Use the Lords eyes to see your situation. There is a time and a place for everything. The Lord is able to arrange things in our favor, but arranging takes time; we don’t see the arranging but we feel the wait. The Lord would not make you wait if there was no purpose behind it. Be confident that your due time is coming. Our Lord knows everything, and there is already an actual due date to your due time…so why stress? Your stressing, worrying, complaining, doubting, and crying won’t speed up your due date, so relax, and most importantly, trust.

In due time, you will see promises fulfilled. Your due date is already scheduled. If you’ve been waiting don’t fret, because God is working; HE will do what HE says HE will do all in due time!