Why does it feel like the simplest of instructions in life
feel like the hardest thing to do?
Let me give you some examples.
When you’re tense and every worry works on your nerves… you’re
told to relax; you know you need to
relax and it seems like it’s an easy prescription, yet you find yourself
struggling with being able to relax. How hard is it to simply relax?
You don’t know what
to do and everyone tells you to trust. It’s easy to trust, but we find ourselves
constantly working over the issue in our mind. How hard is it to simply trust?
Let Go;
We need to let the past go because it doesn’t serve us, and
we are told to let go, but we find our self once again retelling the same old
sad song as if it was a broken record. How hard is it to simply let go?
Life is full of these examples of simply not being able to
follow the simplest of coaching.
Relaxing, trusting, letting go, forgiving, or hoping can be
applied to your life; it may come easy for others while a struggle for some,
but the point is to never ever give up.
If you have to remind yourself a hundred times a day to
relax, then simply do that. If you have to tie a string around your finger as a
reminder to stop worrying, then simply do that.
Keep moving forward and stop looking back; I know that sounds
easy, and as we have learned, sometimes the hardest things are the easiest
solutions, but we’ve also learned to never give up. Don’t let the simply easy
be simply hard…it’s that simple.