There is intention behind everything you do. Everything.
Ask yourself, what is the intention behind my words? What am
I truly trying to get across with my words? Is it truth? Is it proving I’m
right? Is it lifting someone up or is it correction? Are my words really a
reflection of me or am I creating an image of how I want others to see me?
The example above has to do with words; how we speak to one
another and how we speak to ourselves, but this is just one example. You can
apply intention with everything that you do. Place focus on your real intention
behind why you’re doing what you’re doing. IF you do this, you will find two scenarios:
1. You're acting from a
place of love and authenticity
2. You're acting from a place of insecurity and underlying
scared emotions.
This is all about self awareness so that you can shift
yourself, shift your thinking, shift your motives, shift your intentions so
that you can truly live from a loving place that supports your wholeness.
It all starts with awareness…and correction is through…intention.