Want the keys to success?
Okay, good…then keep reading!
Change can happen if you want it, however, don’t seek change
in others…seek it in yourself!
Whatever change it
is that you wish to have, you can have it by doing two things. Yes, I will give you the keys to change!
The first key is prayer.
Go to God in prayer and ask HIM to help you change in the
area in which you struggle with. This key is most important because God wants
to be involved with everything in
your life. Everything! God wants to help you, and HE has the ability to heal
and restore you in wondrous ways. If you try to change yourself all on your
own, in your own strength, in your own ability, it will surely drain and
exhaust you. Self-mastering will leave you frustrated, so invite God in to help
The second key to seeing change in your life is study.
Yes, study. Once you invite God into your situation, start
to study. For example, if you want to see change in a relationship and you know
that it will require some forgiveness, first, go to God and ask that your heart
opens up for forgiveness; then start to do some research (study time) on
forgiveness. You might want to find a good book that deals with forgiveness,
you might want to look up scripture about forgiveness and mediate on those
scriptures. Maybe you could talk to a trusted member of your church or bible
study group about the importance of forgiveness.
Whatever holds you back, whatever you struggle with,
whatever area you want to be better at and come up higher in, follow these
instructions; take these keys and unlock yourself!