Friday, October 29, 2010


There are some places in life where you get the index finger in front of the pucker and you hear the shhhhh…..
Oh, the universal shut up gesture. An echo friendly library comes to mind with the shushing. There probably should be more ‘please be quiet’ places in the world. I don’t suggest you live in a library to find constant silence, but since you live in your own life, you can create a silence zone anywhere you want.
There is enormous power in silence.  When there is silence, peace is the next surface layer. Don’t be afraid of the silence. Don’t be afraid of being alone with your thoughts. Silence, peace, stillness is where you connect with yourself. Peace is a beautiful thing. Peace is so beautiful; it’s not something I can even describe. Peace is so divine that once you get a taste of peace…you will be so addicted to it.
If you want peace you have to study it and practice it; it’s that simple. Take all the moments you can to just be. Try to be in the moment with all your activities. Don’t rush through your life, but be mindful even in simple things like combing your hair, or putting on your shoes. Life can get busy and fast pace, so get creative and be mindful with all those things we seem to do on autopilot.
Peace is already in you, you just have to practice peace to really have it show up strong in your presence. Think peace. Be peace. Breathe. Tell yourself you are a peaceful person. If the peace of God is in my mind, it will flow in my heart; if it flows in my heart it will flow in my actions. Peaceful actions will help you handle all your daily interactions.
If you are serious about finding your peace, do peaceful exercises every day. Over time you will notice that things that would have normally pushed your buttons don’t seem like a big deal. You will notice you’re growing in peace by how you’re responding to things… your mind will give a little pop-up reminder of ‘hey, that’s not how you handled that situation 6 months ago.’ Growth is good.
Some simple exercises to consider:
Wake up a little early and say good-morning to God. Ask God to help you for the day. Rest there and take a few deep breaths and be still.
Before you go to bed, take a few moments to talk to God and thank him for the day. Take a few deep breaths and be still.
Be mindful in the little things.
Tell yourself all the time that you are at peace. “I’m a peaceful person.” “I live in peace.”
While you drive, turn off the radio. Pay attention to your driving and let there be silence in the car.
Mute those commercials during your T.V time and think about peace and breathe in silence.

Why not even take a few moments being in peace after you read this blog….go on and sit here peacefully breathing in and out; just sit there and let those around you think you’re a slow reader.
Those are my tips and suggestions for your peaceful journey. So go on and shhhhh your way to a peace new you, and the bonus part is, you’ll never have an overdue library fee reading this blog.

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