Think back to when Jesus was on earth. You may read the bible, watch a movie or hear a church service and get a glimpse of what the times and experiences were like while Jesus was here. We may hear about the spiritual teachings he gave the disciples or how he performed miracles, but there is one area in these stories that I think gets over looked way too often.
As pure and good as Jesus was, as lovely as Jesus was, as close to heaven as he was, the one thing even Jesus had to do was go get quiet and pray/spend time with the father. If Jesus had to make time on earth to spend time in prayer, then it’s a must for……little ol’ non-performing miracle making me.
It’s important to be silent. Present yourself to God and honor him by spending some of your time with him. Could you imagine hanging out with a friend or family member all day without them ever acknowledging you? How would that make you feel? Our heaven family is always with us; shouldn’t we honor them with some recognition? Our days can get so busy and we can have so much on our minds, but remember that God has us on his mind and he wants you to come to him…as he cares for you so much.
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