Sometimes in life we want microwave answers to our problems. If we received every answer or every solution to ever problem instantly, would that help us or hurt us?
Life throws us challenges and sometimes we need to walk with our challenges instead of trying to run away from them.
Challenges come so we may grow and mature. If we didn’t have challenges then how would we exercise our faith; how would trust develop?
Believing that everything will work out is your job. Trusting that lessons come in all forms to stretch your character is your job. Releasing your problems to God is your job because he is the one in control; that’s his job.
Rest my readers. Rest in not knowing. Rest in not having an answer to your concerns. Rest in the palm of God’s hand… where you already are; make this your job.
I never fail to find the exact kind of inspiration I need when I come to your blog. Thank you for being the right place, at the right time when I need it most. May God Bless You!