What to do??? How should I handle this??? What do you think??? What should I do???
Advice from others, concerning your life-dilemma, motivates people to dust off the doctorate degree they never earned. Some people feel like they want to help me by giving me advice; is this really help or is it control?
What is your intention when giving advice? I’ve experienced some pretty opinioned people who feel their ideas and suggestions are THE only way to go. Sometimes when you are faced with a situation, you have to turn inward for the guidance. Being silent can be the most powerful noise…not the friend of a friend who has a cousin that lives next to the beautician that has a client who went through the same experience as you, and gives you their advice on what they did. Silence and waiting for guidance is sometimes better than everybody’s two cents.
You know what’s best for you. You know what is in your heart. I think we need to stop running to people for guidance, opinion, advice, outlook, and lecture. I guess this is the safe spot in the blog to slip in the fact that…yes, it is healthy to talk to trusted people about your problems or dilemmas. But, people can get in the way of you hearing the inner voice of guidance.
Trust that you are being guided. When you have all these opinions flying at you, you need to sit back and realize what is best for you. Don’t let someone control you into doing what they what or expect.
You are made up of your own opinions, creativity, and emotions. Use your own inner light as your northern star.
Take my advice to find your own.
"Let me listen to me and not to them."~ Gertrude Stein
The BEST advice I've had a in LONG time... As always, THANK YOU! :)