Monday, September 12, 2011

Shout Out

Happy Monday, Readers!
I want to dedicate this post to a specific reader. I had a post ready for today, but as I went to bed last night, it was put on my heart to give a special shout out to someone!
Now, I know that all my readers are important and special. All of you have had such a wonderful impact on me. Creating a blog and connecting with all of you has been a very fulfilling journey. YOU are loved and valuable…however, I need to give my reader from Indonesia a little extra love today.
Indonesia, thank you for visiting my blog. You are wonderful, special, and most of all, loved by God. You have great days ahead of you, and the Lord has you in the palm of HIS hand.
Everyone, please give a big loving Renewed Corner solute to my reader in Indonesia!!!
Stay blessed and thankful everyone. Let’s make this a great week!


  1. Happy Monday, Elle! –and Happy Tuesday to any fellow readers from Indonesia :D

    Thank You Lord… thank you Elle… I believe we have God who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us, to Him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever!. Amen. (Ephesians 3:20)

    I want to share a bit of what happened to me last week. I thought I have disobeyed God and did not give what is right to Him. I felt I have failed the test that He gave me. Shortly, I was trapped in self-condemning, questioning and doubting myself. And worst, I was letting myself be controlled by anger and bitterness. I lost my peace.

    But thanks be to God, for giving me His word that set me free from all that and bring me back to the right perspective.

    My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the Rock and firm Strength of my heart and my Portion forever. (Psalm 73:26)

    I said it over and over and out loud… and let it sink into my heart. I sensed His peace, and hope rise again in my heart.

    This reminded me again of how important to read, meditate, and live in God’s word. And thereafter, to choose rightfully every thought that comes into our mind. We can choose to hear what God says, or what the devil says which all lies.

    I am so amazed with how God works and how He shows His love through people, things, or situations around me. This (your post) is one proof. :)

    So, thanks so much Elle.. thanks for making the connection! God bless you!

    By His grace,

    Eunike –ur sweet Indonesian reader :D

  2. I am so glad that you left your comment. Tears are flowing with love right now. God loves you. I am so pleased that you felt comfortable to leave me that comment, and reminding readers how important it is to say focused on God…and to grab your peace back.
    I think of you…I ask the Lord to bless you and all my readers. I stretch out my arms and give you the biggest computer hug!

  3. Love and peace to you Eunike! Is this blog not the most wonderful place to come and find peace and comfort anytime of the day or night??? No matter where you may be on this great big earth! May God continue to bless each one of us with his love and in return we can share that blessing with each other!

  4. Thank you for posting that comment, Jerry. If my readers could only know how much love I feel right now!

  5. Thanks Elle, your words and encouragement means a lot for me. As I said, last week was tough for me. I thought I have made God disappointed and left me feeling unloved. When I read your post this morning, I was speechless, I could only smile and whisper in my heart: "God, You are so good... and you care... Thank You."

    Hi Jerry, amen to that! I believe there is no coincidence for us who are in Christ, and God has a specific purpose for each one of us. Let's keep praying and practicing love to anyone!

    Much love, and big hugs for both of you!

  6. Eunike-
    You are always loved. Remember, you are not a surprise to the Lord…HE knows everything about you, chose you, is always with you, and always always always loves you. The Lords love is unconditional.
    When you told me you could only smile…that made me so happy. Why did it make me so happy? Because that was the whole intention for the shout out. I wanted to make you smile and feel special. Above all, it was the Lord guiding me to give you that message…so embrace it.
