Stations of the Cross
Station Five:
Simon Helps Jesus Carry His Cross
The cross became too heavy, the soldiers were becoming impatient and wanting to go home, and Jesus needed assistance. So what did they do about Jesus’ weakness…they pulled a bystander named Simon to help carry the cross.
Wouldn’t it be nice to be able to hand over your cross when it becomes too heavy? In fact, we are able to hand over our cross…when we hand over our cross to the Lord, for HIM to worry about, then that should allow us to get some rest. Rest in the Lord. Trust in the Lord. Be an example of the Lord. How so? Be a Simon. When you see someone struggling, help them. When you see someone needing encouragement, assistance or favor, give it to them.
They say we are never more Christ like than when we help someone. How many times has the Lord helped you? How many times has someone been good to you? Isn’t it time to pay the favor forward? It’s never unfashionable to be humble. You never know when that call of help might present itself, so make sure you’re ready to answer the call.
üGive your cross to the Lord so you can enter HIS rest.
üWhile you rest, be a Simon and help those who are struggling with their cross.
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