Wanting love and affection is an important element to the human condition, which is why I can’t figure out Valentine’s Day. Some couples love to celebrate our love day with all the romance and thoughtful trinkets a Hallmark store has to offer. Other couples seem to brush Valentine’s Day off like it’s no big deal, and some even have the guts to say it’s just a stupid made up holiday, explaining how you should show love all the time…not just one day.
Love is something that should be respected. If you are in a healthy relationship, showing love all year long should be encouraged. Is Valentine’s Day a made up holiday? Not really. There is real history of a St. Valentine that supports our celebration. With such a surge of finding and wanting love, why do some couples think Valentine’s Day no big deal?
Get involved in life. If you are in a relationship, respect the connection you are having with someone. Love heals, and that is a big deal. If you think Valentine’s Day is no big deal, think about what it would be like if you were never celebrated, thought of, or shown appreciation; it would hurt. Valentine’s Day may just be one day, but look at it as participation. Participate in your life…don’t let it pass you. Have fun with life, have fun with all the silly, playful and wonderment that comes with holidays or anniversaries. Make the most of your life, because you don’t want to look back and think, I should have laughed more, celebrated more, or had more fun. Don’t find yourself in a situation where you’re saying, I didn’t know what I had until it was gone.
Yes - yes - yes...to every single word of this post.