Ever feel like you’re in a rut wasting time waiting for your
life to really begin? No day is wasted. Every day that you show up, put your
best foot forward towards life, you will get to the victory line. The bible
says that we are taken glory by glory. Glories can be big and monumental, but
they can also be small and discreet; either way a glory is a glory and all
glories are helping you to come up higher. Keep doing what is right. People may
not always honor your commitment to doing what is right, but our Lord will.
Remember, our Lord sees your heart and HE will reward you in HIS ways. Even if you feel like you’re wasting time or
you feel like nothing is changing, take heart and know that our Lord is always
working…you just need to keep showing up. If you keep showing up, the only
thing that is wasted is the undeveloped heart that once was, but now you can declare
as found!
This really spoke to me yesterday. I had a bad day and literally thought at the end of the day how I am sick of busting my bottom to do this and do that and constantly showing up and trying. I feel like everyone around me is advancing and gaining and reaping benefits and I feel like I am stuck in over drive and doing nothing but spinning my wheels. I know no good deed goes undone but I feel like that doesn't apply to me sometimes, like all the things I am working for wont pay off and I could have done it better or chosen better.