There are a few souls around me that have no inner peace;
these souls have trained themselves to be in constant motion. Notice how I used
the word train in the previous sentence. If you feel like a soul that is always
doing, performing, racing, trying to keep up with everyone and everything,
please take heart in knowing that you can train yourself in the opposite of
that direction. These souls that I talk about can certainly train themselves to
be at peace if they choose to tackle this area in their lives.
Peace is important. There are many benefits to being at
peace throughout your day. I notice when I approach the day or a task with
peace, things flow much easier; my energy doesn’t seem as zapped, I can
concentrate better which transfers to a job well done at hand, and it feels as
if there is enough time to finish what I started.
I have to actively remind myself to be at peace, and I do
this by talking to myself. Talking to yourself, reminding yourself, taking some
deep breaths are tools that I use to help center myself. Habits don’t form or
break over night, but every peaceful pursuit will help you reach a peaceful
state of mind.
But what happens if you are surrounded by nervous-nelly’s
all the time? Be care about the energy you surround yourself with. Let’s look
at an example:
A couple is in a room and they are having a very serious
conversation. You have no idea that a serious conversation is going on and you
enter the room. The couple stops the conversation as you enter but you can tell
just by the energy in the room that something is off and awkward.
This example is to bring awareness to the fact that you
probably have experienced something similar to this and to bring awareness to
what energy feels like even without words.
We all have to be responsible for the energy we present to
one another; not for the sole benefit for another but for the benefit of you
and your health.
Even if you are around nervous-nelly’s or tense energy, you
are in control of your own inner peace. You are the one who controls your own
energy; don’t let other energies control you.
If tense energy gets felt by others in a room, why wouldn’t
peaceful energy? You feed whatever you
Deep breaths towards peaceful pursuits,
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