Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Rhythmic Chat

Hearing God is a tricky subject to write about. It has been my desire in my relationship with the Lord, to hear Him clearly. I have met a couple of people who hear the Lord speak super clear, and I must confess, it’s pretty amazing. I believe that God speaks to all of his children; it’s just a matter of fine tuning it, and learning the rhythm of how He is speaking to you.
When I feel as though the Lord has spoken to me, I feel this natural high, as if I’ve been kissed from heaven.
Someone asked me recently, “well, how did he talk to you?”
Sometimes when I try to explain a divine experience with someone (which is not often and only to people who are super close to me) I feel as though I cannot capture my experience for them. When I explain my experience, that person is lookin’ at me like I’m speaking another language.
This is okay. As I said, God has a way (I believe) of getting our attention and telling us what we need to hear, if we are open to the exchange.
If I pray, then it’s usually me doing all the talking. I should wear a name tag that says, Hello, I’m Chatty Kathy. One sided dialogue is not fun. I have to remember that if I want to hear God, then I have to be quiet. There needs to be eyes of faith, spiritually tuned ears, and an open heart for this communication exchange. The more I am open to the spiritual realm, the more I’ll discover God’s rhythmic chat.
To be honest, I think I put too much doubt behind the signs I think I receive. This is not good. I don’t believe God wants us to doubt. There needs to be a level of confidence, not a level of doubt. If I am wrong with God’s prompting…it’s okay. God has a way of making everything turn out all right.
This has been a difficult post to write. I’m still growing in this chat department. Hopefully this conversation will get you thinking about you and the Lord, and your own rhythmic chat.


  1. I truly believe God speaks to us. Sometimes it's absolutely crystal clear for me, other times I think I analyze way too much and then often doubt if it was really Him or just what I wanted to hear...I am trying hard to focus on being still and learning to "listen" and accepting, period. It's a challenge at times for me to be quiet because I seem to ALWAYS have so much to tell Him! :) Thank you for speaking to us on this subject! Very thought provoking.

    P.S. I LOVE your new background! I thought the other was the best, but you out did it with this one. I love blue ~ and beautiful blue skies! - Ahhh - very comforting!

  2. Thanks Jerry! I thought the new background was good for the start of spring. I understand everything you mentioned…being quiet, over analyzing, you name it. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and the compliment.
