Have you heard the expression:
“Time heals all wounds”
I heard that time fly’s when you’re having fun. I know when you’re bored, time moves as fast as a snail. I’ve heard people complain there is not enough hours in the day. Family and friends wish they could spend more time together. But this, time heals all wounds, is utter nonsense; I find this to be completely inadequate and false.
Physical wounds are drastically different from emotional wounds. Time will help physical wounds, but time is not as kind to emotional wounds.
If I get a paper cut on my finger…it hurts. Why does a tiny cut on a finger have such sting? I don’t know, but I do know that if I give it time, it will heal on its own without interference on my part.
If I get an emotional wound…it hurts. If I wait for time to heal the pain, I will be waiting forever. Why? Because emotional wounds need to be dealt with; I can’t wait, I must interfere.
Emotional wounds can be carried around forever if you don’t address them. Pain that is not addressed can manifest in ugly habits and behavior. The ugly habits and behavior will likely steal time from your days that you wish you could have back. The energy that you put into carrying around your wounds is also a waste of your time.
Deal with your wounds in a healthy way…that’s the best use of your time. You deal with your wounds starting with your mind set. Look for the lesson that the wounds are meant to teach you. Let it go at the end. Forgive. Always be filling your mind with the positive instead of the negative…it may seem weird at first, but you will see results.
Also, if you need to seek counseling or join a support group, then do so. Read books on subjects that will help you deal with whatever cross you are carrying.
You are meant to enjoy your life. You are meant to have a full life. In Hebrews it states that we should strip off every weight that is slowing us down or that is holding us back.
You are meant to enjoy your life. You are meant to live a full life. Start moving forward…it’s your time!
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