Some people really enjoy living in a state of drama. They feed off the turbulent dilemmas they seem to seek and attract. I, on the other hand, cannot stand to have an affair Mr. Chaotic. However…
Mr. Chaotic has an ugly relative. This relative may not be as obvious and as flashy as Mr. Chaotic, but they definitely share a blood line on the family tree; the ugly cousin is confusion.
Confusion is a draining state of mind. Confusion usually comes when we find ourselves saying…Why God? How God? When God?
I have been confused more times than I would like to admit. I want and seek clarity, and when I don’t find it, it causes me to be confused and frustrated. Have you ever felt that way? There are times when I felt the Lord strongly directing me, but the direction led to nothing, which leaves me scratching my head in confusion saying, “how did I get this so wrong…did I mis-interrupt the situation? What does it mean? What do I do now?” I can analyze a situation into confusion.
A spiritual guru may say that you need to let go and trust God more, when you are screaming your How’s, Why’s, and When’s. There is truth to that response; let go and trust more.
Now that I have admitted to you all that I don’t like Mr. Chaos, but have escorted his cousin confusion to the prom, let me tell you a few things I have learned.
Letting go is a very useful skill to develop. There has to be a circular flow of energy that is giving and receiving. If you are always hanging on, and clinging to situations trying to make things happen, then you are disturbing your natural flow. Letting go helps you stay open for God to work; by bringing things in and moving things out with divine order and purpose. I found this quote on the internet that is most fitting for our discussion today:
“The bamboo which bends is stronger than the oak which resists.”
~ Japanese prov.
Trust. Let God figure your Why’s, How’s and When’s. If you are confused, then step back and trust that God is going to show you what to do. Ask God to give you a revelation. It’s way too difficult to hear God when your mind is spinning in confusion. Pause. Trust that our Lord will work things out, because HE has your best interest at heart. Let God be in control.
If you seek the Lord, then know that HE is peace.
1 Corinthians 14:33
“God is not a God of confusion but of peace.”
“God is not a God of confusion but of peace.”
Ditch the chaos, confusion, worry, stress, and frustration that are followed by the Why’s, How’s, and When’s of life, because they are not your friends.
Beware of Mr. Chaotic and his relatives; even the best of chaperons can’t help you navigate through those dates.
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