There is this man. A young man. He has walked the streets a thousand times, without anybody ever noticing him. He keeps his head down when he walks. He speaks when spoken to. He can’t bring himself to make eye contact through his thick bottle neck glasses he nervously adjusts, when you toast him. This young man is different and quirky. This man humbles me; he literally melts my heart. He makes my soul freeze in silence; I start to see our society and then I start to see our God.
I can sadly understand why people treat this man like he is invisible. He is not the pretty boy. He is not going to wow you with swagger. He is what our world describes as painfully shy and noticeably odd. He has probably gotten overlooked countless times in his life, simply because the jock-ess guy bullshitted there way pass him by using their angelic looks and charm (the only tools they know how to use because they lack any real depth or resourcefulness).
This man is so gentle and smart. If you engage in conversation with him, you’ll quickly learn how immensely bright and well educated he is; he completely surprises you.
I think we look past people too often in this world. I think we get caught up in the pretty instead of the real. Notice the soul in the corner. Notice the soul that wants to use their voice, but has a hard time finding somebody to listen.
Charm is great, and when used appropriately, it can be very effective. But remember, pretty fades, charm gets old, and shallowness gets ugly.
God has used this man in a very unique way. I’m sure all the people that once were shamelessly poking fun at him, misunderstanding him, or completely ignoring him are now dumb founded by his success.
Don’t pass through life not noticing the beauty hiding in unassuming disguises. God can use anybody…no matter what the package, background, experience, or circumstances look like.
Our society may see exterior but our God sees the heart of man.
Excellent words. An excellent life lesson for us all to think long and hard about...Thank you.