Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Wouldn’t you Agree?

Our last Scripture Sunday post was quite a long read…
wouldn’t you agree?
But, the reason I chose that scripture, is because of the wonderful points that are written with such poetic flow; if you really read that scripture carefully, I think you would agree.
The scripture that was posted is Psalm 139…
It is such a great awakening moment of realizing how much God is with you, knows you, and is here to guide you and lift you up.
I think that you would agree with me when I say that knowing God formed each one of us and HIS wonderful thoughts towards us out-weigh the grains of sand, is something we should focus on; especially on our cloudy days.
Really comb through Psalm 139. Open yourself up to how much God loves you and understands you. If we all focused on the goodness of God, HIS presence in our day, and HIS divine order to our steps, we would all be living a little more freely and peacefully…wouldn’t you agree?


  1. You are absolutely right! This Psalm alone has been of such great comfort to me in so many areas of my life. It is all encompassing of God's love and care for us. Two times I am most reminded was following 9/11 and when my husband passed.

    As with all scripture, I think the more we re-read, the more we "get" the individual message that is written in those words for each one of us.

    I also have certainly enjoyed the different format of many of your recent posts. A simple picture or short quote - many times I wish I could hit the LIKE button! Thank you for being so committed to reach out to all of us!


    1. Thank you, Jerry!
      I think you inspired me to write a post about “getting” the message. I always appreciate your comments…thanks for being such a loyal reader!
      If you “like” a post, please share it with others; spread the Renewed Corner word:)!!!
      Have a good one,
