Wednesday, February 29, 2012

In the Bubble

Have you heard of the boy that lived in a bubble? In a quick summary, a boy needs to live in a plastic bubble to protect himself. The boy in this story must live in a bubble to protect his immune system. This boy must live in a very sterile environment; sterile to the point where he is not allowed to be in contact with the outside world (so that he can live).

Having to live in a bubble is an extremely isolated situation, I agree. However, we all need to learn how to protect ourselves from harmful exteriors that have the potential of hurting us. Maybe this bubble concept isn’t such a bad idea.

The world can be cruel. Sadly, not everyone is going to be for you or encourage you. The more life experience you gain, you realize that hurt people like to hurt people. The world is full of beauty, but it’s also full of people and situations that are destructive and damaging. How should people live in a broken/fallen world? Through protection. How do you protect yourself? By knowing, learning, and loving yourself the way the Lord made you. Getting grounded in yourself and loving yourself in a balanced way will be your best protection in this world. Knowing and learning what the Lord says about you, and leaning on Him and His promises will help you have a clear heart instead of a scarred one. If you become grounded (like strong tree roots) in the Lord, you will recognize the truth; When lies and hurtful situations come, they’ll bounce right off of you…they won’t have a chance to stick in your heart.

That boy may have lived in a physical bubble, but I suggest that we live in a spiritual bubble. The boy needed protection from germs just as you need protection from hurtful people and situations. Our spiritual bubble is made up of the love of God.

Let me give you a visual:
This is you.
You want to protect your heart:

In order to protect your heart, you need to develop a spiritual bubble of God’s Love:

People enter your life:

People might try to be mean or hurtful…
so they throw their daggers (so to speak).

Because of your bubble,
those “daggers” have nowhere to go;

They bounce off your bubble,
instead of sticking in your heart:

Form your bubble…

Protect your bubble…

Keep your bubble strong


 Never let anyone pop your bubble!

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Quote & Thought

"Life is not the way it's supposed to be. It's the way it is. The way you cope with it is what makes the difference."
~ Virginia Satir

Life can throw you an unexpected curveball.
IF you have had a curve ball thrown your way…
don’t worry, we’ve all been there.
IF you haven’t had a curveball thrown your way…
don’t worry, it will.
Some of you might not like the second sentence, but that’s okay, it’s life. We live in a world where so many of us think that the grass is greener on the other side, and it’s not. We all go through ups and downs; it’s life’s way of building up our strength and character.
The quote is a reminder of our fight or flight skills. As it says, life may not be looking the way you thought, but there is good news. The good news is that you can be victorious. Being victorious is determined by how you cope with life. How you cope with life is really broken down with how you think and your perception of life. You cannot win the battle with negativity or outside mechanisms.
Life is always calling you to go inward to find peace and faith.

Remember, when you hope you can cope.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Quotes from Beauties

Beauty is how you feel inside, and it reflects in your eyes. It is not something physical.”
~Sophia Loren

I believe that happy girls are the prettiest girls.”

~Audrey Hepburn

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Scripture Sunday

I am blessed and highly favored.”
~Luke 1:28

This is a scripture that should be repeated over and over in your mind and even out loud.
Let this scripture get engrained in your heart and mind.
Remind yourself that you are blessed…because you are.
Remind yourself you are highly favored…because you are.
You now have this scripture as proof that you deserve blessings and favor everywhere you go.

Saturday, February 25, 2012


"Life is what we make it.
Always has been, always will be."

~Grandma Moses

Friday, February 24, 2012

Forward Friday

Please be kind with someone today.
Be a shining light in the world.
Be kind and forward kindness.
Happy Friday, Readers!

I want to add a quick note…

 I love and appreciate each one of my readers. The blogging experience can be very rewarding. Comments are so important, because it helps me know that I’m on the right track. I wish you all happiness and good health. Please enjoy the beautiful weekend!

Thursday, February 23, 2012

What’s the big Valentine!

There is such a search for love; we all want to be loved and we all want to experience love. When you’re single, your romantic eye is fully dilated. When you’re in a relationship you can sometimes get dreamy of former freedom days and wish to be single, which can be silly, because as soon as you’re single, you’re lookin’ for dates.

 Wanting love and affection is an important element to the human condition, which is why I can’t figure out Valentine’s Day. Some couples love to celebrate our love day with all the romance and thoughtful trinkets a Hallmark store has to offer. Other couples seem to brush Valentine’s Day off like it’s no big deal, and some even have the guts to say it’s just a stupid made up holiday, explaining how you should show love all the time…not just one day.

Love is something that should be respected. If you are in a healthy relationship, showing love all year long should be encouraged. Is Valentine’s Day a made up holiday? Not really. There is real history of a St. Valentine that supports our celebration. With such a surge of finding and wanting love, why do some couples think Valentine’s Day no big deal?

Get involved in life. If you are in a relationship, respect the connection you are having with someone. Love heals, and that is a big deal. If you think Valentine’s Day is no big deal, think about what it would be like if you were never celebrated, thought of, or shown appreciation; it would hurt. Valentine’s Day may just be one day, but look at it as participation. Participate in your life…don’t let it pass you.  Have fun with life, have fun with all the silly, playful and wonderment that comes with holidays or anniversaries. Make the most of your life, because you don’t want to look back and think, I should have laughed more, celebrated more, or had more fun. Don’t find yourself in a situation where you’re saying, I didn’t know what I had until it was gone.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Single & Ready to Mingle

The hunt of a good partner! Who is Mr. (or Mrs.) Right? When am I getting married? Who am I going to marry? How do I know if this is the right person? A smart lady once explained her perception of match making:

Instead of looking for the right person,
work on becoming the right person.

This is a new perspective because our society is always playing on the idea of who is going to ‘complete’ us. In reality, we need to learn how to love our self (in a balanced way), learn to have respect for our self, and learn how to be the best that we can be so that we attract and allow the right people into our lives; birds of a feather flock together.

And if you’re saying, but I’m already married, how does this apply to me? Well, be the right kind of person in all areas of your life, so that you attract the right energy to improve your situation; whether it being the right friend, parent, employee, neighbor, or lover.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012


"Forgiveness is the economy of the heart.…forgiveness saves the expense of anger, the cost of hatred, the waste of spirits."

~Hannah More

Monday, February 20, 2012

Window Grass

It’s easy to be caught up in what everyone else is doing. I’m sure you have heard the expression, “the grass isn’t always greener on the other side.” As humans, we can get fixated on outer appearances and make assumptions solely on that outer exterior.

 I read an interesting article about Facebook. A young man did an experiment with social media by pretty much abandoning his participation in them; his input on Facebook postings placed a spot in my memory bank. This man was alluding to the fact that Facebook doesn’t really reflect the true picture of a person; people typically only post the best sides to them by showing off only the cool and exciting things they are doing, i.e. eating at a fancy restaurant. I find this Facebook showoff to be true.  When I’ve looked at Facebook, it does seem a little glossy; people try to be witty, cute and punch everything up with a lol. Facebook photo albums do seem to show off everyone’s cool shots of vacations, parties, and pictures of when everyone was 5-10 years younger and thinner, but I’m sure that is just a coincidence, lol.

A conference was held and the speaker was mentioning her experience of watching a priest being interviewed. The priest in the interview seemed so sad, and he even described his life as if he had his face pressed against a window watching everyone else live (please note, these are my words bringing the gist of the conversation). I think we can all relate on some level, feeling as if everyone has an exciting life while we are waiting for our breakthrough. The speaker recalled how sad she felt for this priest and asked the Lord about his situation; she said the Lord replied, “He’s facing the wrong way.”

One sentence perfection, “he’s facing the wrong way.” How true is this! We are to face up not out. Focus on your life, the plans that are lined up specifically for you, and follow your own time table. Don’t get caught up in outer appearances because (if you knew the inner appearance) you would realize problems and crosses were in their zone too.

When you look up and face the right way, you won’t have time to notice the book from the window or the green patches of grass.

Saturday, February 18, 2012


I found this great quote:
People look at you strange, say "you've changed." Like I worked this hard to stay the same.
This quote reminds me of growth and evolving. Wanting to grow takes work; it takes a willing spirit to search and seek things that will inspire and transform us into everything we are meant to be. Does change happen all at once? No. Change is an evolving process that happens glory by glory. Take time to reflect on your progress. We can wish for deeper change or wanting faster results from our works, but take pleasure knowing you are on the right path, and look how far you have come.  

Friday, February 17, 2012

Marry the Slows

There is such a demand to perform. When people gather or long lost friends re-unite, everyone always slips in the question, “What are you doing? OR What are you up too?” Normal questions to ask someone, but I can’t help but wonder…why do we always HAVE to be doing something? Observe the answers to these questions and you’ll find the automated response, “I’ve been so busy.”  

There’s a sense that the more you do, the busier you are, the more valuable you come across; notice how I said, come across. ‘Come across’ and ‘actually’ are two completely different things.

Recognize this pressure as a trap. The life you lead should be done at your own pace, and not the pace of the world…which is flooded with a do more, be more, accomplish more mentality.

A mental slow down needs to marry the physical slow down. The constant running of the mind that wonders, questions, imagines, fears, recalls, and ponders over our lives in overdrive 24/7 needs a rest too.

The best thing for your mind and body is to listen to it. Your body will tell you when to slow down and rest; instead of pushing against that telling, go with the flow of instructions. Sometimes the best thing you can do in order to achieve more is to have moments of rest.

Rest your cares, rest in not knowing, rest your feet from the running, rest in the moment and just be; life knows how to organize itself without you micromanaging it…so relax.

Rest for yourself…nobody will do it for you.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Guess Who’s in the House?!

H to the EL LO, Hello!
Hello, Readers! Did you miss me? I missed you!
I thought about you while on vacation, and it feels good to be back with all of you again.
Today is all about setting my bags down and unpacking my thoughts and ideas for up and coming posts.
I’m back from my much needed rest and I will have a ‘traditional’ post up and running tomorrow.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Your Eyes Said What?

My peepers keep saying, will you rest us from that computer screen already?! My right hand is begging me to release my grip from the mouse and my back is asking to rest in something other than a desk chair (no offense to any desk chairs that happen to read this).
My body is telling me to slow down and relax, and I must obey when my body speaks. So for the next few days, I’ll be on vacation. Keep checking back in because when I return, I’ll be refreshed and ready to serve.
To Refreshment and Restful Eyes,

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Quote & Thought

"You desire to know the art of living, my friend? It is contained in one phrase: make use of suffering."
~Henri Frédéric Amiel

A powerful quote that I would like to pen my thoughts too. If you think about it, there is an art to living. There is a knack for knowing how to use your life, taking the hand you were dealt with in life, and making something good. As much as I talk about positive thoughts, speech and attitude, there is something profound about suffering. It is in our suffering that makes us strong. “Make use of suffering,” because the suffering is an open window for you to look through to see your true strength and potential. Suffering will not last forever, just as tomorrow is a new day.
Suffering is fleeing, but the strength and stability learned from your suffering is ceaseless.  

Monday, February 6, 2012

One Sentence Speech

Speaking is a critical aspect of your life. How, what, and tone in your speech is a display of how you think and live. For example, if a person is harsh and negative and has a ‘can’t do it’ attitude with their speech, it reflects their thought process, and they are calling in defeat; they probably aren’t as happy as they would want you to believe, and probably aren’t living to their full potential. Think about it, how could someone live a positive life but dwell in negativity? I’ve heard and tested the fact that your brain cannot hold a negative and positive thought at the same time, which means you have to choose one or the other; which emotion are you going to choose? If you are thinking in the right direction, then your speech should follow that same pattern. Having speech that motivates, understands, loves, and cares can be transforming and uplifting. The bible even teaches us the benefit of speech in one sentence:

Proverbs 15:4
 A gentle tongue brings healing.”

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Scripture Sunday

When you have a long day, doesn’t it feel good to come home and relax? Doesn’t it feel good to rest? Vacations are refreshing spots-but we can learn to be refreshed without having to flee with our pass ports!
Rest while the Lord works on your cares; give them to Him so you can enter His rest.
Matthew 11:28
"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest"

Side Note:
This is a milestone post for me.
I have been bringing you…as of today…400 posts.
No need to rub your eyes, you read that correctly: 400!
I hope you have grown, stretched, and renewed parts of your soul through Renewed Corner. I hope your life is a little better since Renewed Corner was launched 400 posts ago…
Happy Sunday, Readers!

Saturday, February 4, 2012


The world has unrealistic goals that leave so many people feeling as if they are not enough.
Free yourself from worldly demands.
What people say or what people do has little to do with you and more to do with them.
Free yourself of impressing others.
We all experience some level of rejection and pain.
Free yourself from negativity.

There is only one you. Set yourself free from anything that is holding YOU back. The world needs YOU, not a copy of someone you admire. Set yourself free from guilt or fear. If you are holding on or struggling with something in order to ‘make it work,’ release your grip; free yourself of your own will and ask for God’s will.
You are loved. You are loved in every moment. Realize that you are loved. If you realized how much you are loved, you would be able to let go of the nonsense that eats away at your time, energy, happiness, and soul.  
It really is true, love will set you…free!

Friday, February 3, 2012

Forward Friday

Forward an act of kindness today.
Kindness never goes out of style.
Get inspired to put a smile on someone’s face
and you’ll find one on yours too!
Happy Friday, Readers!  

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Rise and Shine

I wake up in the morning finding myself uttering:
Lord, please be with me today.
I keep catching my utter mid sentence and realize how silly it sounds. Why would I ask the Lord to be with me, when I know that HE is always with me; HE never leaves.
I’m so thankful that the Lord is with me too and that I never have to face anything alone. I may be the one who wonders or forgets that HE is there, but HE doesn’t. The Lord never forgets us. The Lord is always walking with us and has serious interest in all that we do.
It’s time to wake up the right way;
to rise and shine in His always ever presence.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Know your Teaching

Self improvement takes effort. Self-improvement and self discovery means self investment. Change does not happen over-night, it happens little by little, and it does happen. Self-improvement does not happen without awareness, reflection, and analysis. One must actively seek resources, inspiration, or materials that help them in their pursuit of improvement. We all have areas of strength and weakness; Make a list that highlights both categories. Start finding ways that turn your weaknesses into strengths.
I was talking to a good friend, and at the end of the conversation she asked me the best question…
“What has God been teaching you lately?”
God is always teaching you something. God always wants you to come up higher. Hopefully you are in tune with yourself enough to where you know how to answer this question without hesitation. If you have to hesitate and take a moment to reflect…don’t feel bad, just start the process of reflection. If you answered with nothing…then sadly, you are missing the mark. As stated earlier, God is always working with you to come up higher. No one is perfect; no matter how glossy their life looks from their picket fenced house. We all have areas of our lives that need new shape and molding.
Since we are blog friends and it’s the end of our blog post conversation…I gotta ask...
“What has God been teaching you lately?”