Saturday, November 17, 2012


Thoughts are an essential part of living the kind of life you wish to live. Thoughts can build you up (↑) or they can tear you down (↓). Pay attention to your thoughts; do you have more down (↓) arrows than up (↑)?

It’s easy to get emotionally built up ↑ when everything is going your way and it’s just as easy to get emotionally down ↓ when you face obstacles or struggles. The key, is to not let your circumstances be the pendulum of your self worth.

With the slightest turn of the hand, the downward facing arrow ↓ can be turned facing back up ↑, but how do we do this?

First, it’s natural to experience emotions that make us feel down ↓. It’s probably a safe bet to say that even the most happiest and atomistic of people have a negative thought once in a blue moon (ONCE IN A BLUE MOON). The trick is to not allow yourself to get stuck in the emotion that makes you feel down ↓ or negative. How do you become unstuck, you ask? The answer is, by talking positively over yourself and the situation.

We all have an inner dialogue (if we realize it or not). It is important for anyone to start becoming aware of their dialogue, because it will show you how well you treat yourself, and it will show you the quality of life you’re living. Your thoughts create your believe system about yourself, and you will act and behave within a manner that reflects what you believe. This is why you should always speak kindly to yourself. This is why you should get into the word and learn the wonderful ways that the Lord speaks about you. Never be harsh or unforgiving with yourself, because our Lord is never harsh or unforgiving with you. The Lord is always trying to build you up ↑; don’t work against His good work.

Get ↑, stay ↑, and remind yourself of the big man ↑stairs who is always trying to build you ↑.

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