Wednesday, April 17, 2013


If we want to press forward in life, whether it be pressing forward in our careers, our relationships, our health, finances, or even pressing through insecurities and fears, we have to go through transitions to get there. What is a transition?

A transition is when movement happens that takes you from one form to another. For example, becoming an adult is a form of transition. You move from being a teenager into an adult; you likely grow and have physical change during this transition, you take on more responsibilities in life during this transition, mental perspectives change as you gain more life experience, and even your educational level can change as you move from a high school level to a college level. Transition is another word for change. We all go through transitions in life.

Transitions can be scary because the unknown factor is involved. The best way to handle transition is to continue releasing your overworked worries about the transition to God. Whenever I find myself shifting into a state of change, I just stop my thoughts in their tracks and say either, Lord, I give this to you…or…I trust you, God.

Getting out of my old way of thinking is a transition. The bible says that we are to renew our minds daily. New ways of thinking and renewing our minds is so beneficial (which is why our Lord instructs us to do so) but there is a transition process to renewing your mind; the transition takes you from the old way of thinking to the new way of thinking.

Whatever transition you are going through now, or even a transition you want to see happen, just trust the fact that transition does not happen all at once. Keep pressing forward. Keep moving with trust. If you have a set back during your transition, it’s okay; just tell God that you trust HIM and keep pressing in the direction you know is right.

Don’t get discouraged if you feel that you haven’t arrived yet. Just be thankful that God is taking you in the direction that HE has mapped out for you, and declare that you are getting better every day in every way!!!

1 comment:

  1. Yesterday & today's posts...exactly what I needed to read... :-)
