Monday, March 3, 2014

To My Friend…

This post is dedicated to my best friend.
Many people can relate to me when I call my beloved dog my friend.
My dog, a happy and joyful pet, graced my presence for 14 beautiful years.
She was a true beauty and a true friend.
Once, many years ago, I was upset…upset to the point where I was sobbing on the floor with my hands on my face. I’ll never forget how my dog knew I was in pain and tried to cheer me up; she was giving me kisses on the cheek and was literally trying to sit on my lap in an attempt to hug me; It is impossible to forget that comforting moment.
My friend loved me and I loved her.
My friend was there for me in times when no one else was.
My friend and I shared so much together; it’s hard to think of a time when she wasn’t with me.
She had many friends and lots of family that also loved her.
I had to say goodbye to my friend a couple of days ago and saying goodbye felt like the hardest thing to do.
I wanted to honor her with this post and share her memory with you all.
I wanted to publicly thank her for being my dog, for being my best friend, for always being there for me, for having unconditional love, for the companion, and even teaching me certain life lessons.
Saying goodbye to my dog reminds me to slow down, to enjoy each day that we have, to enjoy the company of our loves, because no matter how stable life can be, change is inevitable.
My Readers, please give me a few more days before my next post.
I know this is not the most elegant post, but it is hard to use words to describe my love for my dog.
I dedicate this post to my dog and to any dog or pet that has touched the lives of any human heart.
Thank you, my love, for those beautiful 14 years of grace and love!
Peace be with you.

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