Friday, April 1, 2011


If you’re anything like me, you know what I mean when I say, I have a superwoman complex.
I have always tried. I like everything to go well. I want things to run smoothly. I like the feeling that all is right in my journey. On one hand, it’s good to try your best, in all that you do. It is good to strive to be a person of excellence. But, can doing your best actually hinder you?
In my journey, the answer is yes. Yes, putting my best foot forward has hurt me. Validation and love does not come from perfection. Love and validation comes from being God’s son or daughter.
Trying your best can mean you’re trying to control, which in turn means, you are not trusting the Lord to work things out for you.
Learning to let go and enjoy the day sometimes means that you have to give up the need to please; the need to please everyone around you or to please your own needs to feel comfortable.
It is my strong belief that the Lord has told me that I was standing in my own way. This broke my heart. I don’t mean to stand in my own way; my only intent is to have everything go well. But, as I have realized, my need to put my best foot forward has actually caused me to stand in my own way, and blocked God from working. If I stop and relax, trust and believe, and truly lean on the Lord, then I can take the pressure off my shoulders to be superwoman.
If I am truly honest with myself, I can see how my good intentions have in reality blocked blessing from flowing into my life. I need to relax. Do you need to relax? Do we need to surrender more? Do we need to fold our cape up and store it away? Yes. Each day, I will try to surrender a little more, until I have unchained myself from the need to conquer perfection. I remind myself, and I remind you, that everything is alright. The bonus part is…
I‘m a woman of God and that already makes me pretty super!

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