Friday, May 20, 2011

Miracle on 34th Street

It may be a famous Christmas movie with an impactful message, but do you believe in miracles? Do you believe a miracle can show up on your street?  
Miracles happen. Miracles can happen at any time. In fact, the bible is full of marvelous miracle stories. I heard a phrase that I just love, “Our God is in the miracle making business.”
But what is your definition of a miracle? It’s natural to think of a miracle as this grander than life-life changing, manifestation turn-around of events. We think of grand, unthinkable, supernatural, unexplainable actions as miracles, right? For example, Jonah who in the bible gets swallowed by a whale and gets spits back up (I believe three days later) to live and tell about it! Now that is a grand-daddy size miracle. Does this story play with our minds? Do these big stories keep our minds thinking we have to experience something oh-so-grand to label it a miracle?
What about the everyday miracles? What about the small-scales experiences? Phenomenons in small packages shouldn’t lose out on divine titles!
Look for the miracles in your life. Look at the ways the Lord is helping you, teaching you, guiding you, talking to you, and strengthening you. God is making you come through your situation better and stronger than before…isn’t that a miracle?
Sometimes we cannot even see all the ways the Lord is protecting us. You may be stuck behind what feels like the slowest driver on the planet, but have you ever thought that the driver might have been sent so you can slow down…potentially saving you from an accident? Isn’t that a miracle?
Someone shows up right when you desperately need help or assistance! Miracle!

A kid choosing to say no to drugs! Miracle!

You receive a job offer the very day unemployment assistant services ends. Miracle!

You don’t have enough change when you’re purchasing your groceries and the stranger behind you makes up the difference. Miracle!

Open your mind to the different sizes and shapes miracles come in. You don’t have to watch a movie to see a miracle, and they definitely stretch beyond 34th street.


  1. One thing i know is that our God is a Faithfully God!! Never runs out of time nor does He come way too early. He knows our every thought and the best thing above all He knows how it feels!! So yes when we all remember this every single day then miracles will be more evident to our hearts and eyes and all we will be doing is giving God all the praise because it's His!!

  2. Thank you for sharing and visiting my blog. I enjoy your input!
