Saturday, June 16, 2012

Open Letter

Hello Renewed Corner!

This open letter is to all of my great and loyal readers. I apologize for the lack of posts in recent weeks. The Lord has me going through so much transition right now; change is good, even if the unknown looks a little scary. The transition has pulled me away from posting on a regular schedule; again, I apologize for that.

 I will do my best to keep you informed on my reflective thoughts to help encourage you. I feel honored that the Lord has placed all of you in my presence, and for HIM using me to reach all of you. Remember that the Lord is so good.

Please keep checking in with me, and if you ever feel that a post could help someone, I would appreciate you forwarding that article of work.

I hope that all of you are doing well! I want all of you to hold your head up high and keep excepting God’s best in your life, because HE wants you to be happier even more than you do…so always trust HIM.

Have a beautiful weekend, Readers!



  1. God's peace and happiness to you, Elle!
