Monday, June 20, 2011

Goodbye Wood Chippers

We seek an assortment of things to make us happy. We want love and relationships. We seek careers and money. We crave popularity and a sense of being wanted. We long for security. We make time for the things that we really want. But have you ever thought that what you want is a trap?
Life has many trappings. The world is not stable. The world is full of illusions that promise a false sense of peace.
Let’s say for example, that you have this wonderful career. You love your job, and you know you are good at your job. Having a good career can create this sense of identity for you, and you get a sense of value from what you do. This is a classic example for a lot of people. But, what happens if one day…that job was knocked out from under you? Your career was over. How do you deal with that? If the job gave you self worth and the job is no longer there, then where are you going to get your self worth?
This example is universal. You can replace the career and put anything there in its place, and experience the same unfolding questions.
The Lord is the only thing that is stable and constant. No matter what happens, the Lord is always there. Self worth comes from loving the person that God created…which is you. Self worth comes from leaning on God for your value, happiness, love, and security. Your worth should be in knowing that HE handpicked you, and says that you are good.
If you have a strong sense of self from having a healthy relationship with the Lord, then you will not be shaken to the core when the career bottoms out. Instead of feeling like your value was thrown in a wood chipper, you would view the career loss as a new beginning for where God wants you next.
Let’s face it, the world has a lot of wood chippers, so don’t let the world fool you. Don’t let things control you.  It’s all about perspective and knowing who you are in Christ.
Seek that which is stable and which true…because that will never turn on you.

1 comment:

  1. Couldn't agree more with that, Elle.. Our identity is in Christ and we live by every word that comes from God's mouth! Praise God
