Wednesday, August 21, 2013


So often we turn to an outside tangible force to help us, sooth us, gratify us, and yes, even validate us. There are multiple illusions to these outside forces; sure, they can make you happy temporarily, but soon you will be finding another force outside yourself to pick up the slack where the former left off. Surely, there are a lot of fun and enjoyable outside forces, but they should never be used as a crutch to feel wholeness. 

To find permanent soothing, gratification, healing, love, and validation, you must turn inward verses out.
God lives in you.
Under the noise is the silence.

So often we struggle, yet the struggle is an invitation to turn inward.

The answer is never outside…it’s always within.

Once you go in, that’s when you’ll be able to freely enjoy going outside.

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