Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Next Post

I’m still here!
Have you missed me???
Have you been checking to see when
the new post will be up?

Just because you haven’t seen a new post in a couple of days doesn’t mean I’m not working or that I’ve forgotten about you.

In fact, this is a great reminder of
our relationship with the Lord.

We may not see the Lord, but HE is always there.
Sometimes we wait on the Lord, and just because we can’t see any of HIS work (yet), that doesn’t mean
He’s not working.

Keep checking in with the Lord, because
HE never forgets about you.

Sometimes the Lord gives you something when you least expect it…just like my next post.

Expect good things and stay in faith!


  1. Just the reminder I need! Don't think I could ever get enough inspiration - Thank you, Elle!

  2. Okay i will be the first to confess...i was checking if you had put up any new posts since your last.

    Welcome back and thank you for reminding us that God is always there despite how long we will have waited or have waited on Him!!
