Saturday, October 6, 2012

Classic Writing

A new boob-tube is in my house. Do people still reference a television as a boob-tube anymore or is that old school? I’ll tell you what is old school…the classic high-rated sitcoms (in their time) that still dominate many stations in the form of re-runs.

I love watching old re-runs of the shows I grew up watching. With the fun of having a new picture box in the house, I’ve been strolling through sitcom memory lane and loving every minute of it. Watching these old shows was great the first time around and even sweeter the second time. These shows have managed to withstand the test of time, and it’s thanks to the writing.

Current shows today seem to lack class and creativity; What happened to good writing?

Calling a television a boob-tube maybe old school, but it seems fitting due to all the current characters you see on TV acting like boobs.

Influence yourself with programs that are classic, not classless…even if that means you have to hold the channel button down until you find something worthy of your attention.

Why is this important? Because where you place your focus and what you allow to influence you, has great impact on how you perceive yourself.

I applaud all my favorite old shows that not only kept me laughing through the years, but also allowed me to learn a couple of great life lessons.

To Rose Nylund, from The Golden Girls:

“Never ever give up your dreams, even when they're doused in sorrow, because even though they seem far away, they could come true tomorrow.”

To Designing Women:

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