Friday, October 12, 2012

Come In

Come in from the rain; a popular phrase that reminds us to seek shelter from the weather. The weather is unpredictable and we get advised to go somewhere safe for when the forecast is unfavorable. Come in where it is safe. Come in where it is dry. Come in where it is warm. It makes sense to come in, because when we do, we are protecting ourselves.

It’s easy to know that we need to come in from the rain, but why do we have a hard time coming in from other unpredictable elements of our lives.

We tend to rely so much on outside vices to keep us happy, fulfilled, motivated, satisfied, valued and appreciated. We tend to look and seek others who will compliment us, promote us, invite us, or give us whatever we seek in the moment…and for what? To feel loved? You are already loved, so why are we demanding others or things to feel us up? Why do we place the responsibility outside ourselves for happiness? I know I don’t want the personal responsibility of trying to keep someone happy or motivated…I imagine how taxing that responsibility could be.

Instead, we need to come in from the rain. When life is giving you a storm, come in. When I say come in, I mean to come into yourself, to look within for your answer. If I truly believe that the Lord is always with me, then it’s easy to look within and see a smiling face.

We should be encouraging to one another. A genuine compliment is always appreciated, and we should have a gentle tongue with one another; the bible even tells us how a gentle tongue brings healing (proverbs 15:4). And as encouraging we should be to one another, don’t use it as a crutch to find any form of validation.

When you face a storm, when the clouds look dark and gray, and when you start to wonder when you will feel the warm sun hit your cheek again, remember to always come in!




  1. what an encouragement and inspiration you are! God IS love and you are sharing love with the world..Praise God! Jesus bless you!

  2. Thank you for the comment, Kayla. Please come back to visit me or add me on your follow list…I’d be honored if you followed me!!! Stay blessed!
