Wednesday, August 10, 2011


Prayer: A simple act of speaking requests, needs, and thanks to our Lord.

Prayer: A free act to be given at any time and space.

Prayer: The freedom of having communication with our heavenly family.

I don’t need to imagine if prayer works. I have been able to see firsthand the power prayer has.  Prayer opened me up to understanding. The understanding of what’s to come, the understanding of healing, the understanding of obeying. I have seen words go from being spoken over me to actually manifestation. I don’t need my imagination to muster up belief, because my eyes have been made wide opened.
There is an experience that comes over you when you feel the Lords presence; It’s so mighty, you can’t even imagine it. The Lords presence is not worldly, so there is no way to describe it; this too I have experienced. The Lord comes with so much peace; I like to joke about being able to bottle that peace. If only you could bottle that peace and sell it (if only).
The praying, the peace, it all became addicting. It became addicting because it is that beautiful. Daily life can weigh you down; the peace that filled you up, unfortunately leaks quickly…as you can imagine.
It seemed so simple, all I had to do was ask certain people who had a strong anointing on them to pray for me…and I was filled with the Lord’s peace. 
I didn’t say it was simple. I said, it seemed so simple. But, with humans, nothing is that simple.
I reached a point where, those certain anointers where no longer reachable to me. I felt like this needy little girl trying to get a moment of their time. No one would return calls. No one would fulfill promises of getting back in touch with me. People would pass me along to someone else that could help me. They were too busy for me. It was embarrassing to try so hard…to try so hard, just to receive prayer. It didn’t seem right.
One (out of town) lady, actually said to me, “isn’t there anybody who you can contact that lives in your area.” This lady worked for a church, and she was telling me to go somewhere else for prayer. Months went by before receiving any breakthrough with her. Why? Well, when I first called, it was during a holiday, and they were too busy to help me…as the church was prepping for this big holiday. Can you imagine? I couldn’t. I finally said to the lady, “with all respect, this is a church. A church is supposed to be there for one another. Could you imagine, if God said that to you; If God said, oh, I’m sorry, but I’m a little too busy right now to talk to you, can you find someone else to go to.” Could you imagine? I think that put things into perspective for her. To be honest, I couldn’t imagine myself actually talking to someone like that…but I did…I had my fill of the run around. Long story short…that lady and I have actually bonded, and she has gone above and beyond to help me.
Prayer is so simple and lovely to do for someone. All I wanted was prayer, and these people were acting as if I was a tax collector. That experience has really left an impression on my heart.
Take time for people. Don’t be too busy to pray for someone. If you say to someone, “I’m going to put you in my prayers,” actually do it. Don’t take prayers for granted. Prayer works. The Lord is never too busy for you. The Lord wants us to communicate with HIM. The Lord will never turn away from you or send you somewhere else. Never.
My experience may have a deep rooted lesson behind it. Maybe the Lord doesn’t want me using these people as hotlines to reach him…because my prayers work just as good, and maybe HE wants me to realize this. Realize that your prayers work too.
Let’s try to live in a world that makes the effort to support one another, to make time for one another, to pray for each other’s needs and concerns. Wouldn’t it be nice to live in a world like that…just imagine.

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