Sunday, January 23, 2011

Feel Your Pain

Can you feel your toes wanting to curl up and run? Do you feel like pulling up the covers over your head and hiding from the day? Is there a situation you don’t want to face? Is there pain that you don’t want to deal with?
Life can sometimes feel like a pressure cooker. Yes, there are situations in life that would validate your wanting to stay in bed all day behavior. There are even unhealthy behaviors that we develop believing it helps us cope with unruly situations.
The best advice I can offer is to feel. Feel your pain. Do what is right even when you don’t want to face the day, problem, or situation. Validate what you are feeling...don’t mask them or cover them up. Once you allow yourself to feel, then allow yourself to move on. Feel your pain and move on.
You can’t always wait until your problem is a-okay to peak from your shell. No, God has made you to be a champion, and he has promised not to give you more than you can handle. Look at your life and remind yourself that God is giving you all the graces for you to be in your situation.
Don’t mask your feelings and don’t run from your feelings: Feel. Don’t swim in your pity and don’t live in despair: Move on.
If you stay focused on God and all his promises, then you can feel your way through the pain and move on to the other side. What’s the other side, you ask? Promotion! Remember, God works ALL things together for our good and his glory.
Are you saying, “Elle, it’s so hard to face my feelings!” I know…I feel your pain.

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