Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Wonder Right

Have you ever wondered?
Wondered what it would be like ‘if only’?
What would it be like if I had that job?
Wonder what it would be like if I had their looks?
What would it be like to have that kind of money?
What would it be like to live there?

Dreams are inviting to our minds. It’s good to have dreams and to think big. We serve a big God and with God all things are possible. Is there a dream that your mind dwells on? God knows the dreams you have. God understands your desire for wanting it all, and God wants us to have an abundant life.
It is my strong belief that if you want it all, then you have to run your own race in life. In my life, I’ve noticed that God works to brings together when HE knows it’s the right time for me to have it. When I follow God’s plan, then things turn out better, more graceful than if I had tried to put things together myself.
Wondering about the if only in life is normal, but don’t let it steal your happiness. Don’t let the wondering cause you to question what God is doing in your own life. Flip the wonder. Instead of wondering why you’re not (insert wonder), flip into thinking that maybe this is where God wants you to be. Flip the wonder into a purpose. Instead of wondering why things aren’t different, dare to wonder that things are the way they are, because he is purposefully using you in a way you don’t realize. Wonder in the right direction.
God wants to promote us and see us happy, but that also means that HE can promote you just where you are. You can grow just where your feet are planted, because God has you in the palm of His hands.
If God wants to move you into the wonder state that has been playing in your mind, HE will do it in his timing; in the mean time, be blessed where you are.
Instead of using the word wonder that follows with a question mark, use the word wonder to marvel at your life and the perfectly orchestrated steps God has designed just for you; you can do it, you just have to wonder right!


  1. I have been stuck in "wondering" on this subject for a while as well lately. :[
    I had just told a close friend last night that at 56 I feel much the same as I did when I came out of high school...at 18. Starting over, so to speak, is much harder the older you get! :o) Thank you for putting what I know is the RIGHT way into words. Reading your words assure me this morning that it's okay to be where I am...and be patient and wait for the rest of the answers - and then feel blessed just to be where I am!

  2. Stay the champion that you are!
